Class Times
Boundry Rd Campus:
preschool & kindergarten ages (Monday - Friday)
7:30 AM to 5:00 PM or 8:45 AM to 11:45 AM or 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Toddlers (ages 12 months to 3 years) (Monday - Friday)7:30 AM to 5:00 PM or 9:00 AM to noon or 12:45 PM to 3:45 PM
Part-time classes are also available
Summer classes run through July and August from 8am to 5pm
Kitsilano Campus:
preschool & kindergarten ages(Monday - Friday)
7:30 AM to 5:00 PM or 8:45 AM to 11:45 AM or 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Part-time classes are also available
Summer classes run through July and August from 8am to 5pm
Nanaimo Campus:
preschool & kindergarten ages(Monday - Friday)
7:30 AM to 5:00 PM or 8:45 AM to 11:45 AM or 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Part-time classes are also available
Main Street Campus:
Morning Preschool Classes (Monday - Friday)8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Afternoon Preschool Classes (Monday - Friday)12:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Part-time classes are also available
Your healthy child is expected to be in class, on time each day. It is very important for your children to arrive on time so that they can fully participate in classroom activities. This discipline will make an everlasting impact on your child’s punctuality habits, needed in future schooling and eventually the workplace.
Phase-In Period
For many children, preschool is the first experience away from their caregiver. We want to introduce this concept as gently as possible to provide a positive experience.
The first few weeks of classes are directed toward setting a positive atmosphere. Considerable time is spent introducing the children to their classroom and to one another. We want to ensure that each child begins the year positively, therefore, procedures and guidelines are explained during these first few weeks.
The first few days of school begin with a gradual entry of new children (2 or 3 each day), to allow for a smooth and gradual adaptation to the class environment. This enables the teacher to spend time bonding with each child.
This special attention reduces the child’s fear or anxiety associated with a new environment. We work hard to create a secure, predictable, and caring environment; in which your child will look forward to participating. The first few days also consist of shorter class times. This also helps to gently ease the children into a setting away from their caregiver.
Health Policy
If your child is exhibiting any signs of illness, please do not send them to the school. The following is a list of symptoms to serve as a guide when deciding to keep your child from school:
bad cough
contagious diseases: chicken pox, mumps, measles, etc.
discolored discharge from the nose
rash that you cannot identify
In protecting your child and the other children, and ensuring a safe and healthy environment, an ill child will not be permitted in the school.
Parents are asked to notify the school when a child will be absent, by leaving a message with the school office. If a child has a communicable disease, please report that to the school immediately.
If your child becomes ill or excessively upset during the school program, we will telephone you or the emergency contact person to come and pick up the child. The staff will make the decision to call, based on the best interest of your child and the other children in the class. Please note that the school reserves the right to judge when your child may return to the classroom.
All classes have the option to spend some time each day outdoors, weather permitting.
The accessibility of outdoor activity is a requirement by preschool licensing, and therefore, a part of our program. If your child is not well enough to be outside, please keep them at home.
Arrivals and Departures
In addition to the importance of your child arriving on time, equally important is promptness when picking up your child. The parent or guardian acknowledges that if the child is not picked up on time at the end of the scheduled day, the parent or guardian shall pay a late charge of $5.00 plus $1.00 for each minute following. If there is an emergency, please contact the school to make arrangements. Please be aware that no child will be released to a person not approved in writing by the parent or guardian. This is to ensure the child’s safety and the family’s confidence in the school’s safety consciousness.
The daily transition from home into the classroom is an opportunity to allow the child to build independence. Greeting the teacher is the first transition of the day for the child. In order to make this transition as smooth as possible, we ask that special goodbyes be made before each child greets the teacher.
Once the child greets the teacher, he/she makes his/her way over to hang up a coat and change into slippers.
Each student will be required to wear a school golf shirt. This uniform is a physical reminder for students and parents, that each individual is part of a larger team, which is working towards the same goal. We believe that this will also instill unity, pride, and morale. As preschoolers are active, they do need to be comfortable. The parents are encouraged to dress their child in the uniform golf shirt along with appropriate, clean, comfortable clothing, where they can move around freely, sit on carpets, play outdoors, etc. Spills, paint, glue, dirt, and other minor accidents are a natural part of a child’s life.
On the first day of school, please send along the following items with your child:
A pair of rubber-soled slippers to leave at school, marked with the child’s name. Please try to find those that are easy to put on and take off, as the school encourages independence in this area. Please do not send distracting slippers. (ie. Cartoon animals or superheroes).
A complete change of clothes in a plastic bag, all marked with the child’s name. This clothing will be stored in the classroom. As we understand that these children are young and some are new to the idea of toilet independence, the clothes will be primarily used to avoid potential embarrassment in case of an accident.
School Calendar
The school will be closed on all statutory holidays. There will be Christmas and Spring break. A school calendar is handed out or emailed in June for the following school year that begins in September.
Bad/Hazardous Weather Closures
Reach for the Stars Montessori Learning Academy will be closed in the case of hazardous snowy conditions. You will be informed by calling the school office at 604-688-7827, or by listening to CKNW
Families will send in a daily healthy snack and lunch (for full day students). No candy or sugary treats please. Please note that we are a PEANUT AWARE school, so please do NOT send any food with Peanuts.
The children are given the opportunity throughout the majority of the class time to have a snack. If the child feels that he/she would like a snack, it is his/her choice when to eat. The children are not interrupted during their work time.
Field Trips
During the school year, the children may have an opportunity to enjoy a variety of field trips. Due to the young age of our students, we will make every effort to bring these field trips to the classroom. We may bring in instructors or organizations that specialize in unique activities to encourage children to learn many things in a fun and exciting environment. If we do plan on leaving the premise, notices will be handed out in advance to inform you of the date, time, destination, and transportation arrangements.
Parent Volunteers
Throughout the year, the teachers may need some assistance with a special activity. If you have any spare time and would like to help us out, please let us know. We will keep a list of volunteers. The children appreciate their parents’ efforts and interest towards their schooling.
Year End Celebrations
This special celebration in June is for the families and staff of our preschool. It is a great opportunity for socializing. There's lots of food, and fun for all ages. Parents play an important role in planning, organizing and implementing the fun and festivities at a neighborhood park. Volunteers are always needed each spring.
Professional Days
Throughout the year, we will schedule professional development days, where the staff may attend workshops, lectures or conferences pertinent to Early Childhood Development and the Montessori Method. There will be no school on those days. You will be notified in advance of an upcoming professional day.
Lost Montessori Apparatus
Occasionally, the children become very attached to pieces of Montessori apparatus and may subsequently take them home. Many pieces are very small, but are critical to an exercise or activity. Please return the item to the school if you find one. The teacher will thank the child who returned the item and praise his/her responsibility.
Discipline Policy
At Reach for the Stars Learning Academy, we promote a positive approach to discipline. Through explanations, talking through feelings, showing ownership in apologizing for mistakes, redirection and positive reinforcement. We instill the virtues of thoughtfulness, kindness, love and respect for one self and one another through example. Guidelines and limits, along with corresponding reasons are established and clearly explained at the beginning of the year. The explanations help the children remember the limits and the purpose behind them. Discussing these limits may be done individually, in small groups or to all students at circle time. By facilitating the use of kind words and open communication, we help each child gain the confidence and develop the skills necessary to resolve conflict on their own. By reinforcing these important values, the children are able to demonstrate independence, which they can apply to inner discipline.
Bathroom Policy
All Preshool and Kindergarten aged children enrolled at Reach for the Stars Montessori Learning Academy should be toilet trained, and able to manage all aspects of toileting independently. Diapers are not acceptable at school. During their transitional into school, pull-ups will be allowed. Naturally, as mishaps and accidents do occur, the staff will handle these situations with sensitivity and understanding. This policy is not applicable to the toddler program. With the toddlers, the guides will work closely with you on strategies to begin potty training as soon as possible.
Personal toys and treasures are better kept at home. Please encourage your child to leave personal possessions at home or in the car where they can access them after school. These articles may become lost or damaged if they are brought to the school, and they may serve as a distraction to other students. Please let us know if your child has a special possession that they would like to share with the class at circle time.
At Reach for the Stars Learning Academy, each child is honoured at school on his/her birthday. Birthday's are celebrated once a month on the last monday of the month for all children who have a birthday in that month.
Note: Please advise the teacher beforehand, if you wish to send in a healthy snack, cupcakes, napkins, and a beverage to celebrate your child’s special day. We will gather all the children at circle time to enjoy the treats. Please do not send balloons, party favors, games or gifts to class.
If you are planning a party, please hand out invitations outside the classroom (before or after the class).
Parent Involvement and Communication
We believe that parents are the child’s first and primary educators. Children are influenced within a home, community and environment. We are entrusted by parents to complement and supplement the education that is taught at the Academy.
Open and honest communication between parents and teachers builds a foundation of mutual trust, and support necessary to work together towards the best interest of the child. We encourage all parents to discuss any concerns they have with the teaching staff. In many cases, a phone call may suffice. However, appointments can be arranged with the teacher, before or after scheduled class times.
Parent / Teacher Conferences
All parents will have the opportunity to schedule interviews with their teacher to discuss their child’s progress. Conferences generally occur twice per school year.
Communication between home and school is essential. These conferences are invaluable aids for the parent, teacher and child.
We encourage and invite all parents to become actively involved in the education of their young child.
Special Information Effecting your Child
Situations may arise at home that may affect your child’s general well-being, sense of security and level of attachment. The staff would appreciate being informed about any significant occurrences that may effect your child’s state of mind. Please use the following as a guideline:
A parent / caregiver being away for a period of time
A new member to the family
Change of address
Death of a family member or pet
Hospitalizationor Illness of parent/caregiver/sibling(s)
House guest
Financial Information
Admission Policy
In determining acceptance, please note that it is assessed on a space available basis with priority given to currently enrolled students and their siblings.
Enrolled students must re-enroll for the next school year. The school reserves the right to accept or reject applicants at their discretion. Such decisions are based upon educational opportunity availability, age requirement and student behaviour.
Tuition Fees
Due to the variety of programs available, it is best to email us for a program & tuition schedule.
Please note government subsidies are also available for qualifying families. For more information, please check with the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
Tax Advantage
Our school qualifies for a tax advantage of up to $8,000* per year, per child. This amount is directly deducted from your earnings when filing your taxes. *Please consult your accountant for detailed information as Ministry Guidelines are subject to change.
This amount is controlled by Revenue Canada and is subject to change.
Additional Fees
As our bank charges for cheques returned NSF, we in turn will charge $25 in addition to the replacement amount. If the replacement cheque is also returned NSF, the charge will double, and the replacement amount must be made by certified cheque or cash.
Children may be voluntarily withdrawn from the program on the first day of any month prior to March 1st and a minimum one month written notification is required for withdrawal, otherwise fees for the months will be payable. Please refer to your parent agreement for detailed information regarding financial conditions. There will be no refunds for withdrawal after March 1st. Once post dated cheques are submitted to the school, upon accepted withdrawals, the non applicable cheques will not be returned, but rather shred for security. In the best interest of the other children and the program, the school reserves the right to withdraw a child if necessary. There will no tolerance to children that demonstrate repetitive agressive and harmful behaviour towards the other children and/or staff. These children may be asked to withdraw from the school immediately.
Failure to do so will result in a charge for the remainder months of the annual parking pass, assessed by Impark and payable to the school.
Child-Care Subsidy (Affordable Child Care Benefit)
British Columbia's Child Care Subsidy Program is operated by the Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services and delivered through the community offices of the Ministry of Human Resources and may provide a childcare subsidy for the care of children who attend a licensed preschool. Families do not need to be receiving social assistance to be eligible for subsidy. Contact the Childcare Subsidy Program office for more information.